Friday, May 11, 2012

Bullish Bearish

Are we in Bullish or Bearish Markets?

NYC Wall Street Bull - Photograph by Carl, from the Book Our New York

I came across this interesting video of David Rosenberg, Chief Economist and Strategist of Gluskin Sheff interviewed by James Mackintosh, FT investment editor,  in which he talks about Bullish or Bearish Markets, especially regarding gold.

He mentions that the economic market is murky.

With unemployment at an all high, the real estate bubble lasting years instead of months, jobs being sent overseas as a result of FAFSA, where does that leave our economy? Murky for sure.

If you are interested in being a Wealth Builder of your finances, then click link to shortened version of this video interview.  You definitely want to view his professional opinion of where we are going in the markets.  Rosenberg mentions:

- Cash is not yielding anything.
- It's not just about gold being at a price; gold is viewed less as a commodity now, and more   as a currency.
- Gold divided by currency in circulation is a factor in valuation.
- It's time to search for safety.

Consider how you view the world, especially as we are a global economy, in determining whether gold is really bullish or bearish. Global means other countries affect our economy, and ours affect theirs, as they push and pull together.

It is a good idea to consider your view of the world, in making economic decisions for your household.

The late inspirational speaker and philosopher Jim Rohn wisely stated, "I work full time on my job, and part-time on my fortune."  In these economic times, there is never a better time to begin changing your personal economy with a work at home business.

Extended version of video and information of Gold going to $3,000 here.

To Your Business Success,


To find out more about a work from home business click link now to crashproof yourself.

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